my first paintings I made on the island of Bonaire, followed by sessions in the studio of Peter Schenk in Amsterdam. The first two years I made hundreds of paintings on paper, understanding use of color, camera obscura, contrast, lines, planes, volumes.
I also learned to understand size. From small pieces, growing to 1x1 meter, and from paper to canvas.
Painting in France and Spain
Painting in France and Spain
painting in France and Spain. Even larger formats, up to 2x2 meter. Some paintings reflect travelling in Africa. Landscape type of abstracts. Also more monochrome studies. Mainly paint with knives.
A girlfriend of mine give name to most paintings. Don't like giving names, too explicit. First exhibition, scary. People call you artist.
Get my own studio at the Albert Cuyp, become more full-time painter.
New York
New York
Painting at a temporarily studio in New York (thanks Gilad !) with Peter, followed by exhibition. Fantastic time, hard to get canvas in time. Works now untitled...much better. Also painting in Europe with friends. Love to be in my studio, freedom.
two thousand and eight
two thousand and eight
Lot of experiments with gel. Creates thick structures. Paintings you want to touch, work for the blind. Become more uncertain, repaint and repaint. Maybe I produce 100 paintings a year, resulting in 30 "final" pieces. Think more and more about abstraction, infinity, beauty, life. Meet Miktor & Molf (thanks Simone!), start discussions on a book.
Model Painting
Model Painting
Start (again) with model painting/drawing. Paint in France with Peter, re-discovering brushes. Wonderful time in Italy for exhibition. Interesting diner discussions: what is abstract ? Launch of book at Lloyd hotel. Year-end difficult to paint, uncertain and too emotional.
starts course techniques of postwar painting at Moma online
a beautiful night !
can you detect similarities in the most famous paintings from the frequency spectrum of each?
painting meat, in an abstract way ??
ik kom er nu pas achter dat in het nu leven een wiskudige onderbouwing heeft, de Laplace transformatie. Veel gebruikt in de electronica, om van het tijddomein naar het frequentiedomein te gaan. Dus in plaats van tijd (gister, morgen, straks) naar frequentie=geluid en beeld !
Leven in het frequentiedomein=schilderen op muziek
Nu nog even snappen dat frequentie=0 (stilte) hoorbaar is
Notes 03
Notes 03
gravity is an illusion of the mass
de mooiste dingen gebeuren onverwacht
inspired by the spring, and 1001 other things
discovering Portugal
notes 04
notes 04
lines, just lines, and a beautiful night, big band